Irregular Menstruation

Monday, June 25, 2012

Irregular menstruation

Normally the 28 day menstrual period is calculated as a woman. (The other one the first day of menstruation until the first day of menstruation begins). This bleeding in approximately 2-5 days. The amount of bleeding during the first days is slightly higher than the last days. Every woman is approximately 30-40 ml of blood lost during menstruation period. The incidence of anemia in women and therefore higher.
Irregular menstrual bleeding is usually the most common cause of pregnancy. Irregularities in the pieces of advancing age after menopause should be considered in the 40s. In addition, thyroid hormones, such as hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism are more or less irregular menstrual bleeding can be considered as a nededi. Now I want to make some explanations related to menstrual irregularity.

What is it? Amenorrhea (Primary Amenorrhea)

Amenorrhea amenorrhea means. To clarify a menstruating woman to pass the time even though two pieces of 3 or 6 months to muster, and one can not see the long birsüredir situation.
In this case between the two ayrılır.Primer amenorrhea and secondary amenorrhea. To briefly describe them throughout the life of primary amenorrhea and no case of primary amenorrhea. Even though she was already one of the pieces of amenorrhea Sekonde means absence of later.

Amenorrhea (primary amenorrhea) What is it?
Amenorrhea amenorrhea means. To clarify a menstruating woman to pass the time even though two pieces of 3 or 6 months for a long time to muster, and one could not see the situation.

In this case we want to explain them in between the two ayrılır.Primer primary amenorrhea and secondary amenorrhea amenore.Kısaca durumudur.Sekonde amenorrhea amenorrhea if her life never previously seen one sees but one state later.

Oligomenorrhoea (Prolonged Periods)
less than 6 months duration of menstruation oligomenorrhea by being more than 35 days, two storms.

Polimenore (Frequently menstruation)
Normally that is likely to increase in the number of pieces of two or more pieces per month according to a brief case.

Hipermenore (excessive bleeding and units)
As mentioned above, approximately 30-40 ml of blood a woman loses one period. Hipermenore is more than the amount of blood lost state.

Menorrhagia (prolonged pcs)
Again, as mentioned above, one case of prolonged period of time, approximately a week or so sürer.Bu considered menorrhagia.

Hipomenore (less than the amount of bleeding or short pieces)
The amount of bleeding, and bleeding time of less than 40 ml of the state of having less than 3 days.

Menorrhagia (Interim bleeding)
Except for pieces of occurrence of bleeding. So one of the usual time, without bleeding.

Dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation)
Quantity seen seen during the state of extreme pain. In general, with age, the incidence (frequency) is decreasing. That is a 19-year-old girl in the incidence of dysmenorrhea was 90% 69% 24-year-old girl had a reduced incidence.