What is Mumps and Treatment

Sunday, July 22, 2012

What is mumps?
Mumps, swelling of glands, salivary glands, characterized this emerging infectious disease. Develops at the bottom of the ear, the name is here. Disease of childhood. The most frequently seen between the ages of 2-6. But as adults can be seen in childhood and adult period of no heavier than a table. Only once during the whole life is passed. Paramyxovirüstür cause of the disease. That is a viral infection. Is more common in late winter and spring months.

Mumps is a contagious disease. 24 h after infection is highest in the period up to three days for swelling of the glands. However, before swelling until swelling begins and lasts for contagion. Direct contact with infected saliva droplets of saliva and the patient's path through the infected objects. Now, after this summary of information about the disease in the clinic, diagnosis and treatment, let's look at how.

Mumps 30 - 40% of asymptomatic (without symptoms, hidden) passes. In addition, many other diseases, such as is usually fever, headache, loss of appetite and starts halsizlikle. Fever lasts 1-6 days. This finding is specific to the general symptoms of the mumps becomes swollen and painful parotid gland. Swelling increases within hours. Reaches a maximum 1-3 days. It takes 3-7 days and no later than 10 lost a day. After the cloth on the other side before you start on one side and the swell. More double-sided swelling, which can also be watching the one-sided swelling. Red and swollen glands in the cheek inside the mouth is opened.

Mumps is diagnosed by history, clinical and physical examination are placed with the appearance of swollen glands. Laboratory findings are supportive. Because it is a very typical sign of the disease in mothers before contacting a doctor make a diagnosis. Developed complications at home unless you get past a good maintenance treatment of disease. In some cases, however, requires the physician to apply. Require recourse to a doctor before complications (complication: that may arise during the course of the disease and disease exacerbate the table), let us explain a little bit of what we will talk about the then home.

Complications of mumps are more common in men. The most commonly include fever, headache, vomiting and neck stiffness to develop meningoencephalitis. Children with a still keeps her head backwards. An entity should consult a doctor immediately. In addition, the so-called boy epididimorşit develop the condition. Usually swelling 8 day of the fever, abdominal pain, chills, vomiting, along with the symptoms of swollen testicles, painful and more red. In rare cases, except for these two complications of pancreatitis, arthritis, hepatitis, myocarditis may develop. Requires recourse to a doctor, and certainly all the complications to be treated.

 What is the treatment of mumps?

Treatment was done at home, told of mumps. The most effective treatment is bed rest. Should be preferred in the diet foods that are not easily chewed and sour. If necessary, the physician would propose a pain reliever and fever-lowering drugs available. I want to emphasize the word if necessary. Because many drugs, particularly antibiotics to be used in unconsciously. Therefore, the effect of these antibiotics could be developed, and have lost their resistance to many antibiotics. Bacteria, antibiotics are effective, mumps is no effect from the virus should not be used for not also want to mention.
Nowadays, vaccination is provided with a mumps effective protection. 12. NCC month (measles-mumps-rubella) vaccine is applied to all children. In addition, the first and eighth grades of elementary school made ​​extra doses.