Pancreatic Cancer and Treatment

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Prolonging the average life expectancy of pancreatic cancer, the American people in the United States significantly increased incidence of CONTENTS. Tumor patients, 98% in more than fatal. In 2000, 28 200 people died from pancreatic cancer, pancreatic cancer, this result is the fifth cause of cancer-related mortality in the order makes the most common. The disease is more common in men than in white women and black race. Occurs rarely under the age of 50.

Very little is known about the causes of pancreatic cancer. The most consistent risk factor for smoking, heavy smokers than nonsmokers in two to three times as common in the disease. This relationship, direct carcinogenic effect of tobacco on pancreatic metobolitlerinin or occurring more frequently in smokers impact on another as yet undefined is not defined. Long-term diabetes mellitus, as pancreatic cancer, increased risk in patients with chronic pankreatili. Obesity is a risk factor for pancreatic cancer, the risk is directly dependent on increased caloric intake. Alcohol abuse is a risk factor for pancreatic cancer, and cholelithiasis. Pancreatic cancer is not related to coffee consumption. Human pancreatic cancer samples in 85% more than the K-ras mutations in the genes, respectively. Also play a role in the pathogenesis of malignant melanoma, pancreatic cancer is linked to 9p21 krozomunda mutation in the gene.

More than 90% of pancreatic cancers are ductal adenocarcinoma, islet cell tumors of the remaining 5% - 10% of. Pancreatic cancers, head of the pancreas (70% of cases) of the gland body (20%) and tail (10%) than the two regions are more often than once.

The first symptoms associated with pancreatic cancer is insidious than jaundice and are found in a minority over the previous two months. More than 75% of patients have pain and weight loss. The pain is typically a rodent in character, the visceral type, the back sometimes spreads out to epigastriyumda. Can reach very large sizes before Saptanmadan gland tumors arising from parts of the body or tail pain is usually a bigger problem. Eğilmekle forward relief to a certain extent, is characteristic for the pain. Rarely occurs in significant pain. In most patients, weight loss, anorexia mainly depends on the disease, however, some diseases, weight loss occurs in the first period.

Treatment of Pancreatic Cancer

Complete resection of the only effective treatment of this disease is surgical removal of pancreatic tumors. Unfortunately such curative operations in patients with pancreatic cancer, only% - 15% is possible when, they are generally seen as the first symptom of jaundice in patients with pancreatic head tumor. Chance to complete a full treatment of patients with pancreatic cancer is surgical resection only limited numbers of patients, although less applicable, then such operations only% 5-year survival rate is 10.

The average survival in patients with pancreatic cancer can not go out a surgical operation for 6 months. Regulated by the initial treatment of symptoms. For patients who can walk in the biliary system that are head of the pancreas to regulate tumor surgery should be considered. Jaundice is already present, endoscopic biliary decompression can be applied or peruktan nonperatif way, transhepatic biliary drainage or surgical biliary by-pass can be done.

Pakreas with widespread metastasis, chemotherapy for cancer patients has been disappointing. Quality of life has increased the rate of gemcitabine in patients with advanced pancreatic cancer. However, improvement in survival periods showed only a moderate degree. Not agree with the experimental treatment, initial treatment of patients, outpatients should be established.

Varicocele and Infertility in Men - What is Varicocele

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Varicocele scrotum (sack containing the testicles) is the name given to an increase in the vascularity. Varicocele in the scrotum (the increase in testicular vascularization in a bag) start to increase in temperature of the testicles as a result of the development. Normally, the testicles from the body has an extremely low temperatures, the temperatures required for the production of sperm in the testes. The normal body temperature for sperm are produced, they remain motionless. This impairs sperm production and infertility causes temperature rise.
At the same time 2 One reason for infertility due to varicocele, varicocele developing veins (veins) and penile blood flow impairs the prints. The top of the testicle and testicular ducts (epididymis) that prints the output of the arteries prevents the sperm testis, penis, testis sperm infertility for atılamadığı develops. 90-95% have varicocele on the left side, right side because the testicular veins, veins than in a large vein connects to the left side. That is a right-sided venous blood, the more likely "threshold" is poured, the left side is limited and a relatively small "dams" that tries to spill blood vessel full of exfoliation and the expansion of the varicocele may cause a problem. Sol spinning backwards in this way (which reflux, the dam speechless) blood, creates a varicocele.

What is Mumps and Treatment

Sunday, July 22, 2012

What is mumps?
Mumps, swelling of glands, salivary glands, characterized this emerging infectious disease. Develops at the bottom of the ear, the name is here. Disease of childhood. The most frequently seen between the ages of 2-6. But as adults can be seen in childhood and adult period of no heavier than a table. Only once during the whole life is passed. Paramyxovirüstür cause of the disease. That is a viral infection. Is more common in late winter and spring months.

Mumps is a contagious disease. 24 h after infection is highest in the period up to three days for swelling of the glands. However, before swelling until swelling begins and lasts for contagion. Direct contact with infected saliva droplets of saliva and the patient's path through the infected objects. Now, after this summary of information about the disease in the clinic, diagnosis and treatment, let's look at how.

Mumps 30 - 40% of asymptomatic (without symptoms, hidden) passes. In addition, many other diseases, such as is usually fever, headache, loss of appetite and starts halsizlikle. Fever lasts 1-6 days. This finding is specific to the general symptoms of the mumps becomes swollen and painful parotid gland. Swelling increases within hours. Reaches a maximum 1-3 days. It takes 3-7 days and no later than 10 lost a day. After the cloth on the other side before you start on one side and the swell. More double-sided swelling, which can also be watching the one-sided swelling. Red and swollen glands in the cheek inside the mouth is opened.

Mumps is diagnosed by history, clinical and physical examination are placed with the appearance of swollen glands. Laboratory findings are supportive. Because it is a very typical sign of the disease in mothers before contacting a doctor make a diagnosis. Developed complications at home unless you get past a good maintenance treatment of disease. In some cases, however, requires the physician to apply. Require recourse to a doctor before complications (complication: that may arise during the course of the disease and disease exacerbate the table), let us explain a little bit of what we will talk about the then home.

Complications of mumps are more common in men. The most commonly include fever, headache, vomiting and neck stiffness to develop meningoencephalitis. Children with a still keeps her head backwards. An entity should consult a doctor immediately. In addition, the so-called boy epididimorşit develop the condition. Usually swelling 8 day of the fever, abdominal pain, chills, vomiting, along with the symptoms of swollen testicles, painful and more red. In rare cases, except for these two complications of pancreatitis, arthritis, hepatitis, myocarditis may develop. Requires recourse to a doctor, and certainly all the complications to be treated.

 What is the treatment of mumps?

Treatment was done at home, told of mumps. The most effective treatment is bed rest. Should be preferred in the diet foods that are not easily chewed and sour. If necessary, the physician would propose a pain reliever and fever-lowering drugs available. I want to emphasize the word if necessary. Because many drugs, particularly antibiotics to be used in unconsciously. Therefore, the effect of these antibiotics could be developed, and have lost their resistance to many antibiotics. Bacteria, antibiotics are effective, mumps is no effect from the virus should not be used for not also want to mention.
Nowadays, vaccination is provided with a mumps effective protection. 12. NCC month (measles-mumps-rubella) vaccine is applied to all children. In addition, the first and eighth grades of elementary school made ​​extra doses.

Vaginal Pain and Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Thursday, July 19, 2012

In women, vaginal pain is increasingly in recent days, indicating that often herald a serious sexual diseases, gynecologists, women warned about it!

Adversely affect a large portion of women's sexual lives of vaginal pain. However, diagnosis and treatment of vaginal pain is very easy. Disparuni medically referred to as vaginal pain during Sexuality. Sexuality certainly should seek medical advice during the problem you're having vaginal pain. Vaginal pain often can be a precursor of some health problems.

Depending on the stringency of vaginismus and vaginal pain

Vaginismus, the involuntary muscle contractions in the vaginal canal. Vajinusmu usually occurs when fear of sexual unity. Many people think that a psychological problem vajinusmusun. However, pain caused by vajinusmusun is really very painful.

There are many ways Vajinusmusun treatment. There are physical and psychological therapies in the treatment methods. Vaginismus treatment focuses on the psychological causes of pain occurs.

Sexually transmitted diseases 

People infected with sexually transmitted pain during sexual intercourse, a condition that may have. Asemptomatrik pain caused by these diseases, and emerges as the only sign of infection.

Vaginal endometriosis pain  

Depending on the pain of Endometriyoza show itself with only vaginal intercourse. The growth of endometrial tissue occurs in different regions of the body. In severe cases, the disease can cause infertility. 

Yeast Infection Symptoms and Causes

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Yeast vaginitis (candidiasis), an infection or inflammation of the vagina by a fungus, usually Candida albicans yeast-like fungi (C. albicans). Causes the second most common type of vaginal infection. Approximately 75% of all women in the United States, the fungal infection is a life is estimated at least once. Therefore, for women it is important to be aware of the situation.
It is assumed that small amounts of Candida in the vagina healthy. Lactobacillus in the vagina is the dominant organism. The presence of 4.5 or less Lac Lactobacillus helps to ensure the normal vaginal pH. Alters or disrupts the vaginal flora, or any situation where the normal pH balance of the incentive, as a result of an infection of C. albicans, including other organisms may multiply. Conditions during pregnancy increases the risk of fungal infection, obesity, diabetes mellitus, corticosteroids, broad-spectrum antibiotics, oral contraceptives and use of certain medications, such as carbohydrate-rich diets are. In addition, rinsing, warm air, each tightly with the use of clothing, or do not contribute to the absorbent core. Women's immune systems (HIV or chemotherapy patients) are at increased risk for fungal infection.
Severity of symptoms varies among women, but generally adheres to the vaginal wall, white, curd like, cheesy vaginal discharge, intense itching, and redness of vulvovaginal (swollen, red, itchy, tender lips), and vulvovaginal candidiasis in patients with burning sensation following urination and painful intercourse (dyspareunia). For most women, the most important system for vaginal itching. A yeast infection is not a foul-smelling discharge. The diagnosis is usually symptoms, physical examination and by providing potassium hydroxide (KOH) is made wet by the presence of pseudohyphae assembly yeast buds.
The treatment can be prescribed as a topical or oral antifungal agents. Topical antifungal vaginal tablets, creams, or suppositories generally. Oral antifungal most commonly used method, a single dose can be administered as fluconazole (Diflucan), respectively. Topical agents butoconazole (Femstat), clotrimazole (Gynae-lotrimin), miconazole (Monistat), tiaconazole (Vagistat), and Ter-conazole (Terazol) contains. Clotrimazole and miconazole (Monistat), over-the-counter agents. -, 3 -, 5 -, 7 -, or 14 days of topical treatments can be used as a treatment antifun-gal. Women with recurrent yeast infections, within 1 year since more than four partitions defined, for a period of up to 6 months may be suppressive therapy with oral ketoconazole 100 mg.
Preventive measures to keep the genitals clean, rinse, vaginal deodorants and skin-tight and prevent the use of non-absorbent underwear. Nylon cotton underwear should be replaced with alternatives. The use of antibiotics when necessary to ensure health care provider may have antifungal prophylaxis at the same time. Infection of oral contraceptives or other hormones necessary for some patients recurrent failure to control. Very obese doctor can recommend a good diabetes control and weight loss. Acidophilus milk-based and limited to simple sugars and carbohydrates such as the use of dietary changes, also may be recommended.