Alzheimer's diagnosis and treatment

Monday, May 21, 2012

From the death of brain cells called neurons sonucuortaya disease genetic predisposition This is probably dueDeath of brain cells, the disease starts many years ago without leaving signs of irreversible cell destruction resultingIs the most obvious areas of the brain cell destruction in memory, speech (language) and where the hearing centers and short-hippocampal region of the temporal regionIn addition, thinking, decision making, personality, movement gib, frontal lobes and other brain regions responsible for the functions in the cell loss occursCause of the disease are poorly understood, the main risk factor for Alzheimer's disease is age Some researchers have increasingly emphasized the importance of familial predispositionIndeed, it appears as a dense belt of a lot of families of Alzheimer's disease and there are families with the disease usually occurs at a younger ageDNA analysis in some of these families showed that some abnormalities kromozan 14 and 21An abnormal chromosome 19 in families where the disease has a later onsetThis is a very rare cases of familial Alzheimer's disease Alzheimer's disease family aside to become a person with Alzheimer's disease risk later in life, family, according to a person without Alzheimer's disease has been demonstrated for only 1% moreAlzheimer's disease, some disease modifying treatment options have emerged in recent years, although not a disease can be improved or correctedSlow rate of disease progression, however, some disturbing findings that arise during the course of the disease, correct, it is possible to eliminateAlzheimer's patients usually live near their families in our country early in the period that these patients are maintained largely by the familyBesides medical treatment, so it is important to inform the family in our country in this regard by the organizations responsible for public health due to the establishment of common support services, another very important dimension of the subject matterWhat are the symptoms?Since Alzheimer's disease rarely occurs before the age of 65 is very insidious, progressive disease that often is quite rapidly progressive cases, however, this progression is usually slow, progressive memory loss, the basic problemShort-term memory has a problem, especially in recent memory, and mild personality changes, decreased spontanitenin decide to take any action to make itself a state of apathy, confusion, place and mood and reactions to events show the appropriate status, social isolation, away from the environment into which the early shutdown occurs duringAs the disease progresses and the calculation of thinking, the problems begin to emerge, such as reading yeteklerdeBegins to experience problems in organizing daily tasks during this period aldırganlık agitation, irritability, restlessness and have problems with mood, such asLater stages of disease, months, years, mixing tables are visible, such as not knowing the location of this period the patient is not capable to maintain long-term relationship the ability to establish meaningful relationships is insufficient verbalEnvironmental Assessment and the trial issues and events unrelated to live in mood and facial expression, or may be incompatible with severely limited speech capacityCan not find the words, using wrong words Or speaks no control of bladder and rectum rarely speaks in more advanced cases the patient becomes completely bedridden for the next stage of the disease is death itself does not cause death